But I've mellowed in my old age, and I'm far more tolerant of these titles. Truth be told, I admit that I enjoy them enough to actively seek them out. The plots are ridiculously improbable, the action is contrived, and the characters are shallow caricatures meant only as future murder victims or red herrings. But I like the mood and the ambiance and the art direction of these spooky murder-mysteries even if no monster ever materializes (a typical example would be one that finally came out on DVD a few months back, 1939's THE CAT AND THE CANARY).

And look at the one-sheet (designed by Karoly Grosz, maybe?) at the top of this post: an ectoplasmic monster with hooked claws looming over a frightened, fleeing crowd of silhouetted figures backlit by what appears to be a lightning strike. The titular chateau appears at the right, dark and foreboding (here's how it actually appears in the movie, bathed in bright sunshine:)

Within the context of my viewing project, I found the most interesting thing about SECRET OF THE CHATEAU was how its release to TV as part of the SHOCK! package has horrorized it over the years--- it's as if the deceptions made by Universal publicity agents in 1934 have continued unchallenged for decades afterward, even when it is clear that this is not even an old dark house mystery, let alone a horror movie. But it somehow attained a horror movie momentum on TV for decades. In fact, based on my (admittedly limited and perhaps statistically unsound) research, it would appear that SECRET OF THE CHATEAU was programmed as late-night horror movie fare far more in the 1970s than it was from 1957-1968.
SECRET OF THE CHATEAU turned up a lot in those Friday and Saturday night horror/sci-fi movie TV showcases in the 1970s. Sir Graves Ghastly, Son of Svengoolie, and the Fearmonger have all hosted (and, presumably, roasted) it; I've seen listings for SECRET OF THE CHATEAU that have double- and triple-featured it with SON OF DRACULA, MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE, THE CONQUEROR WORM, THE MUMMY’S CURSE, WEREWOLF OF LONDON, and TARANTULA. In one 1974 listing for the Boston television market, I saw SECRET OF THE CHATEAU screened as part of the "Classic Horror Feature" showcase at 1 AM following the horror-hosted "Simon's Sanctorum" on WCVB-Channel 5. Here are some other instances of SECRET OF THE CHATEAU's horrorization in the 1970s:
I think that, more than any other non-horror movie included in SHOCK!, SECRET OF THE CHATEAU has succeeded in passing for a horror movie for decades. So how did this happen? I can understand if it was shown a lot when it first came out in SHOCK! in 1957 since the novelty was fresh and the movie pickings were slim. But why so prevalent in the 1970s, when folks presumably had had about ten years to realize that this wasn't really a horror movie at all? And why does SECRET OF THE CHATEAU have a horror movie afterlife that it may never shake off, but other non-horror mysteries that were "Shock!"-packaged for TV by Screen Gems (like THE LAST WARNING, NIGHTMARE or MYSTERY OF THE WHITE ROOM) have managed to avoid being classified as such throughout the decades?
NEXT: "A night monster...prowling, killing, terrifying a countryside. Don't miss the Hollywood SHOCK dramatic feature-length sensation THE WOLF MAN starring Lon Chaney and Ralph Bellamy on this channel! For thrill-packed drama at its best, see THE WOLF MAN!"
I've no idea if I saw this film. But if I did, it was not that long ago, perhaps within three years.
Some films seem to have lived in Shock packaging simply because of their titles, which conjured up chills and frights the movies themselves never delivered.
Perhaps the simplest explanation why this mystery-drama has a greater horror pedigree than the others mentioned, is that it was marketed as horror on its initial release, unlike the others. Nice early effort for Claire Dodd, who gets top billing over a fairly dull cast, especially for its period at Universal. Osgood Perkins is quite droll, but I much preferred THE CROSBY CASE to SECRET OF THE CHATEAU. This aired only once on Pittsburgh's CHILLER THEATER (check the Kittanning clipping dated September 3 1977), paired with THE MAD DOCTOR OF MARKET STREET. THE CROSBY CASE aired two weeks later on CT, paired with THE MAD GHOUL, a much better double feature (CROSBY would make one other appearance during CT's last season in 1983).
Titles such as this one are becoming more obscure as time marches on, so it's always a treat to find anyone who has actually seen it, or reviewed it.
THE MAD DOCTOR OF MARKET STREET and SECRET OF THE CHATEAU made for a unique Claire Dodd double feature!
I never saw this one but I sure do love the poster! That's what made me curious, as an old dark house aficionado. The answer to the Shock Theater puzzle is easy enough. It was probably part of a package from Wade Williams or whomever was packaging in those days. They have access to a limited number of films under some independent copyright (or as with Roger Corman, doing their own packaging) so a local station buys a package of 10 or 20 films then can show them ad nauseam to fill their afternoon and late evening/early morning 'dead time' . They don't give a shizz if it is actually horror. Whomever was doing the packaging probably didn't even screen it to see if there was ANYTHING that could count as horror, why bother? You needed 20 titles for the package, so here was one. It wasn't a western, or Bowery Boys movie, or a Kung Fu movie, so what else could it be? I know your pain --as a kid enduring stuff like The Invisible Ghost, Black Dragons (no dragons of any color), and all the other 'cheat' horror movies -a horror movie has no business showing sunny daytime exteriors! They reminded us we should be outside playing ball and not indoors in the dark hoping for monsters, maybe after the next commercial break.
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