Focusing mainly on the Golden Era of Tinseltown. *HOLLYWOOD STUDIO MAGAZINE*
began publishing in 1957 and as far as I can tell, into the 80's. While
The Flying Dutchman
Time to end the month with one more weird war tale from the pulse-pounding
pages of *Fiction House's Wings Comics*, our spotlight series for March
2025 (...
DWRAYGER DUNGEON - "R.I.P." (2007 - 2022)
Well, here we are the end of Countdown to Halloween, and it's with a heavy
heart, I have to tell you that Tabonga and I have made the collective
Williamson, Frazetta & Krenkel: The One Who Waits
"The One Who Waits" originally appeared in the E.C. comic *Weird Science*
#19, (may-June 1953). It is an adaptation of a Ray Bradbury. The art is by
Al Wi...
Mary Shelley’s *Frankenstein; or, the Modern **Prometheus* was first
published on January 1, 1818.
200 years ago.
On, now, to Frankenstein’s third cent...
We are back! EL VAMPIRO trailer
It's been a while since the last posting on this blog, but now comes the
The original trailer for EL VAMPIRO, it seems....
In honor of Carmen Mo...
Last year's Christmas
Above: Jane asks Zombie Santa about returning a severed head, while watching out
for the grabby hands of Hermie the Horny Undead Elf.
I have a few last...
Put Me Back In My Tomb
I have retired MCB but just wanted to let ya'll know I've fired up a Musick
Blog and will be spending time over there from now on. Please check it
out, it...
1st Horror Comic?
EERIE COMICS No. 1, published by Avon and released for January 1947, holds
the distinction of being the first stand-alone horror comic published in
the ...